Oracle - Proxy User and VPD
We can use Oracle database to do authentication by using Proxy User.
After authentication, we should have a way to do authorization.
Unfortunately, the proxy user can do any SELECT and DML on the objects of application user directly without any restriction.
Proxy User can be granted a special role, but, the privileges on the role can just be on the objects of other schemas or system privileges. So at this time, we need to use VPD to archive our goal.
The following is a demo, which is using HR example schema.
If you don’t have HR schema, go Github to clone:
$ git clone --recursive
First, we need to create database user, for each user in HR.EMPLOYEES
select 'create user '||email||' identified by '||email||';' from hr.employees;
Second, each user can be working as a proxy user to access the data in HR. No specific role or premission needs to be granted to proxy user.
select 'alter user hr grant connect through '||email||';' from hr.employees;
Now, we can do test:
$ sqlplus abull[hr]/ABULL@ SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sun Dec 16 20:40:13 2018 Version Copyright (c) 1982, 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved. Last Successful login time: Sun Dec 16 2018 08:32:00 -05:00 Connected to: Oracle Database 18c Enterprise Edition Release - Production Version SQL> select count(*) from hr.employees; COUNT(*) ---------- 107
Next, I want to impose some rules on each user, to restrict them that they can only access themselves and their subordinate in HR.EMPLOYEES and HR.JOB_HISTORY.
For example:
- Steven King is the boss of the company, so he can access the record of everyone.
- Neena Kochhar is a supervisor, he can access the records of his subordinate.
- Alexis Bull is only an employees, so he can only access the records himself.
First, we have to create an VPD admin user and a context
CREATE OR REPLACE CONTEXT hr_ctx using hr_package;
Second, due to VPD cannot support CONNECT BY clause, and also, I want to have a VPD policy on EMPLOYEES table which is the source I need to use to initial the context. VPD has the problems for this recursive invoking also, so I replicate HR.EMPLOYEES to vpd_admin user by using mview.
-- SYS, create VPD_ADMIN user for management create user vpd_admin identified by vpd_admin; grant unlimited tablespace to vpd_admin; grant create session, resource to vpd_admin; grant create any context to vpd_admin; grant all on hr.employees to vpd_admin; grant all on hr.MLOG$_EMPLOYEES to vpd_admin; grant create materialized view to vpd_admin; grant execute on DBMS_RLS to vpd_admin; -- VPD_ADMIN, create a context sqlplus vpd_admin/vpd_admin@ CREATE OR REPLACE CONTEXT hr_ctx using hr_package; -- HR, create mview log for replication create materialized view log on employees with primary key; -- VPD_ADMIN, create mview log. The application user cannot access this tables, so, they cannot get all data of employees. create materialized view hr_employees refresh fast as select * from hr.employees; -- create HR_PACKAGE to set CONTEXT and for VPD CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE hr_package IS PROCEDURE set_hr_context; FUNCTION get_hr_context return varchar; FUNCTION vpd_control(schema_p in varchar2, table_p in varchar2) return varchar2; type NUMBER_ARRAY is table of number; Function get_subordinate_emp_id return NUMBER_ARRAY PIPELINED; type employees_type is record(email varchar2(25), emp_id number(6)); type employees_table is table of employees_type; END; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY hr_package AS -- set EMP_ID in HR_CTX. If login user is SYS/SYSTEM/HR, set to 0, if not the application user, set to -1 PROCEDURE set_hr_context IS chk_cnt number; emp_id number; BEGIN select count(*) into chk_cnt from hr_employees where email = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','PROXY_USER'); if chk_cnt > 0 then select employee_id into emp_id from hr_employees where email = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','PROXY_USER'); DBMS_SESSION.SET_CONTEXT('hr_ctx','EMP_ID',emp_id); elsif SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','SESSION_USER') in ('SYS','SYSTEM','HR') then DBMS_SESSION.SET_CONTEXT('hr_ctx','EMP_ID',0); else DBMS_SESSION.SET_CONTEXT('hr_ctx','EMP_ID',-1); end if; END; -- this is a table function, used for VPD Function get_subordinate_emp_id return NUMBER_ARRAY PIPELINED is cursor c1 is select employee_id from hr_employees connect by manager_id = prior employee_id start with employee_id = SYS_CONTEXT('hr_ctx','EMP_ID'); emp_id number; begin open c1; loop fetch c1 into emp_id; exit when c1%notfound; pipe row(emp_id); end loop; end; FUNCTION get_hr_context return varchar IS curr_context varchar2(2000); begin SELECT 'EMP_ID:'||SYS_CONTEXT ('hr_ctx', 'EMP_ID') into curr_context FROM DUAL; return curr_context; end; -- for VPD -- if the login user is SYSTEM/SYS/HR, then it can access all data. -- if the login user is an application user, it can access the data they are allowed to access. -- if the login user is not anyone above, it cannot access any data FUNCTION vpd_control(schema_p in varchar2, table_p in varchar2) return varchar2 is emp_id number; pred varchar2(400); begin if schema_p = 'HR' then emp_id := SYS_CONTEXT('hr_ctx','EMP_ID'); if emp_id < 0 then pred := ' 1 = 2 '; elsif emp_id = 0 then pred := ''; else --if table_p = 'EMPLOYEES' then -- pred := 'employee_id in (select COLUMN_VALUE from table(system.hr_package.get_subordinate_emp_id))'; --elsif table_p = 'JOB_HISTORY' then -- pred := 'employee_id in (select COLUMN_VALUE from table(system.hr_package.get_subordinate_emp_id))'; --end if; pred := 'employee_id in (select COLUMN_VALUE from table(vpd_admin.hr_package.get_subordinate_emp_id))'; end if; else pred := ' 1 = 2 '; end if; return pred; end; end; / grant execute on vpd_admin.hr_package to hr;
Next, before we create the VPD policy, we do test in advance.
$ sqlplus abull[hr]/ABULL@ -- the normal user cannot call SET_CONTEXT to change the EMP_ID to elevate the permission SQL> exec DBMS_SESSION.SET_CONTEXT('hr_ctx','EMP_ID',11111); BEGIN DBMS_SESSION.SET_CONTEXT('hr_ctx','EMP_ID',11111); END; * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SESSION", line 152 ORA-06512: at line 1 SQL>desc vpd_admin.hr_employees ERROR: ORA-04043: object vpd_admin.hr_employees does not exist SQL> exec vpd_admin.hr_package.set_hr_context; PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select vpd_admin.hr_package.get_hr_context from dual; GET_HR_CONTEXT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EMP_ID:185 SQL> select vpd_admin.hr_package.vpd_control('HR','EMPLOYEES') from dual; VPD_ADMIN.HR_PACKAGE.VPD_CONTROL('HR','EMPLOYEES') -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- employee_id in (select COLUMN_VALUE from table(system.hr_package.get_subordinate _emp_id)) SQL> select count(*) from table(vpd_admin.hr_package.get_subordinate_emp_id); COUNT(*) ---------- 1 $ sqlplus system/oracle@ SQL> exec vpd_admin.hr_package.set_hr_context; PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select vpd_admin.hr_package.get_hr_context from dual; GET_HR_CONTEXT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EMP_ID:0 SQL> select vpd_admin.hr_package.vpd_control('HR','EMPLOYEES') from dual; VPD_ADMIN.HR_PACKAGE.VPD_CONTROL('HR','EMPLOYEES') --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Next, we can add VPD policy:
BEGIN DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY ( object_schema => 'HR', object_name => 'EMPLOYEES', policy_name => 'HR_EMPLOYEES_POLICY', function_schema => 'VPD_ADMIN', policy_function => 'HR_PACKAGE.vpd_control', -- statement_types => 'select', policy_type => DBMS_RLS.CONTEXT_SENSITIVE); END; / BEGIN DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY ( object_schema => 'HR', object_name => 'JOB_HISTORY', policy_name => 'HR_JOB_HISTORY_POLICY', function_schema => 'VPD_ADMIN', policy_function => 'HR_PACKAGE.vpd_control', -- statement_types => 'select', policy_type => DBMS_RLS.CONTEXT_SENSITIVE); END; /
Then, do some test
-- SYSTEM, can see all data. SQL> exec vpd_admin.hr_package.set_hr_context; PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select count(*) from hr.employees; COUNT(*) ---------- 107 SQL> select count(*) from hr.job_history; COUNT(*) ---------- 10 -- HR, can see all data SQL> select count(*) from employees; COUNT(*) ---------- 107 SQL> select count(*) from job_history; COUNT(*) ---------- 10 -- SKING, BOSS, can see all data SQL> select count(*) from employees; COUNT(*) ---------- 107 SQL> select count(*) from job_history; COUNT(*) ---------- 10 -- NKochhar, a supervisor, can only see the records he is allowed SQL> select count(*) from employees; COUNT(*) ---------- 12 SQL> select count(*) from job_history; COUNT(*) ---------- 4 -- ABULL, an employee, can only see himself. SQL> select count(*) from employees; COUNT(*) ---------- 1 SQL> select count(*) from job_history; COUNT(*) ---------- 0
Finally, we need to have a way to set CONTEXT automatically, we can use logon trigger.